Wednesday, November 28, 2007

C'mas wish-list!

(took this 1 at a Catholic Church my aunt took me to in Conyers, Georgia. April, 07)

In this case, they're not only wishes.

Here is what I am going to (by faith and God's grace) accomplish this Christmas
(now for us, our team's Christmas season officially started in the middle of November, so let's hope I've already done some of these things):

--Do my part to lead at least 30 ppl to Jesus this Christmas (my cut of 100 souls for home goal)

--Get out 750 Christmas books & CD/VCD cards before the 20th of December. (this was an unspoken (yet somehow said) pact between Richard & myself who vowed to get out the entirety of our home's proposed 1500 Christmas products between the 2 of us this season--of course, the reality is that everyone will help & my total of actual products out, will more likely be around 500)

--Subscribe about 10 ppl to the activated magazine (roughly my portion of our homes 50 subscriptions goal for the Christmas season, divided by the about 5 main outreachers).

--Organize a Christmas fellowship for our small group of 12 FS students.

--Conduct an aip wrap-up/visitation for the young people homes neighbouring Nigeria (which should involve between 7 & 10 days in Ghana & Togo).

--Somehow find Christmas gifts for the ppl in my home (scratches head wonderingly).

--Succesfully find sponsors 2 stock the gift bags I'm helping prepare for our fun day with toys, snacks &/or clothing items, school supplies, drinks, etc.

Said fun day's venue also needs canopy & chairs, sound system & DJ, entertainers if we can manage & of course, drinks for all...
The event is the Saturday after this on, on the 8th of December. Pls. pray that it will go smooth as it could, sponsors & friends attending, plenty of gifts for the kids & the best Christmas witness we could give them.

TTL, half of these goals have already been met, including a good portion of the needs for the fun day already allocated/promised. I'm so excited about this program for what reason I can't quite figure. The Christmas party I helped the team in Lagos conduct was about the funnest thing I did last Christmas (& I holidayed at a 4 star hotel, all meals included for a week).
The immediate reward of seeing the joy & fun that comes out of these kids when we take time to make their Christmas special--basically give them a good C'mas, is unprecedented...some people bungee for rushes, I like to do fun-days & special events for village children, orphans, etc.--Bible studies & helping build vocational training centers for hospitals come in at a close second ;)

I'll post pics...stay tuned...

(at our Primary school during an event Citigroup sponsored the Saturday b4 last--not to be confused with next Saturday's event for our Secondary school)

1 comment:

Nyx Martinez said...

Praying for you!

...All the best!