Friday, January 27, 2012

Have you been there?

Cahoots and other interesting places

I have been in many places, but I've never been in Cahoots. Apparently, you can't go alone. You have to be in Cahoots with someone.

I've also never been in Cognito. I hear no one recognizes you there.

I have, however, been in Sane. They don't have an airport; you have to be driven there. I have made several trips there, thanks to my friends, ex wife, family, and work.

I would like to go to Conclusions, but you have to jump, and I'm not too much on physical activity anymore.

I have also been in Doubt. That is a sad place to go, and I try not to visit there too often.

I've been in Flexible, but only when it was very important to stand firm.

Sometimes I'm in Capable, and I go there more often as I'm getting older.

One of my favorite places to be is in Suspense! It really gets the adrenalin flowing and pumps up the old heart! At my age I need all the stimuli I can get!

I may have been in Continent, and I don't remember what country I was in. It's an age thing.

Please do your part! Today is one of the many National Mental Health Days throughout the year. You can do your bit by remembering to send an e-mail to at least one unstable person. My job is

Life is too short for negative drama and petty things. So laugh insanely, love truly and forgive

From one unstable person to another... I hope everyone is happy in your head - we're all doing pretty good in mine!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

New Year's Resolutions..

So apparently I have some...a few actually...

Here are the top 10 (not necessarily in order of priority):

1) NOT txt &'s completely illegal & it's gonna get me in a wreck one of these days...

2) Be financially goal is to double last year's income...(roughly 25 Gs)

3) Stay spiritually focused...While attending my cousin's church, after the service one of the pastors asked me if I'd any spiritual goals for the New Year...and that made me much as I love the Lord & consider myself a spiritual person, I hadn't actually thought @ my specific goals as far as my walk w/ the Lord in 2012...In one way I thought that was a good thing, as by nature I try to take time w/ Jesus every day & talk to Him as I go about my day, meditate on Him when waking & lying down, take time to read the Word each day, etc. So all this will while I was happy that these things come naturally, at the same time, I did want to set a new goal for myself (at this preacher's prompting) & in the end decided that my spiritual goal for this year is 2-fold:

a) think positively about myself...I realized that as much as I believe in & love Jesus, my outlook on myself & my day-to-day circumstances can be pretty negative at times....much of the time, actually...but since God is Love, Happiness, Inspiration, etc., since He created me, I should exude those same things...& furthermore, if I believe He's all-right, all-good, has a perfect plan for me, etc. I should be happy that my life is as He wants it & that He'll perfect it as I go along (I'm still convincing myself of this goal even as I write it now..)...

I'd like to see manifestations of miracles this's always inspiring/motivating to see God's hand move & I want 2012 to be no exception...I'm looking forward to miracles of supply, healing, renewed hearts & ppl turned to Jesus...should be exciting..

4) Star in a major motion picture..I'd like to have a speaking part in a movie this year...I'm coming up w/ a bucket-list (which will be really long...thankfully it'll include experiences I've already had...which might not seem to make sense) & 1 thing on that list already is to star in a last year's experience as an extra doesn't count towards this bucket-list goal, as I want to see my name on the credit at the end of said movie that I star in...Being that loads of movies are being made in Atlanta these days, this one should be pretty easy...keep ur fingers crossed, everyone..

5) Get into a new relationship
...while my last relationship lasted more than 2 years, that now seems a few days in comparison w/ the 30+ years of my life...after being single nearly 2 years after that it seems it's time for me to turn on the love-light in my life again..let's see what (or rather 'who') 2012 has for me..I'm trying to devise a plan as to how this will come into being (although, if there's anything I've learned as to how not to get into a relationship, it's to plan for one)...will it be online dating that does the trick? or will I turn on sparks with someone I already know, or meet someone entirely new? We Shall See!!

6) Pump major iron!!! I plan to put on at least 10 pounds this year (which for me is a lot, seeing as I've weighed roughly the same weight over the last 10 years)...Plus, being generally fit/ripped is always cool..may help in the modelling/movie department too..

7) Eat health food...this goes along with the previous resolution & I'm determined to stay a "health freak" as some of my dear African friends have termed me...

8) Take time w/ family & friends...due to both the higher costs of city living & the desire to start some kinda savings, I've turned into a complete work horse & a total anti-socialite...I'm set to have this change over 2012 & am determined to hang out w/ friends (make new ones) & family throughout the year...

9) Which brings me to my Europe trip, speaking of family....I'm excited about doing the usual London/Belgium trip, but am also convinced I'll see Paris again after 6 or so years...Holland is also on my 2012 wish-list...

10) Build a solid team of associates with my LegalShield business..the future is bright (golden, in fact) with this new opportunity & I'm looking forward to not only selling many, many memberships here in the city of Atlanta, but am also looking forward to building a team of associates between friends here & throughout the country as I introduce others to the same opportunity I was introduced to a half-year ago...

aaaaaaand 1 more for good measure:

11) Write...determined (there's that word again...maybe that's what all these things will take) to make further headway on researching towards & writing my book on my time in Africa...this will also keep Africa in my heart & help me not miss it so much...

What are your 2012 resolutions?