Monday, August 27, 2007


The Highlight of the whole program (after Praise night, anyway :)) came about as a result of the desire to implement the call to witness, renewed in our hearts during the CGO (Church Growth & Outreach) classes, presented by Rachel, when 3 witnessing days were planned. Below is the basic formula we used for our witnessing:

Prime wheat target: Any & all sad, lost or hungry souls
Harvest field: The main university in Bloemfontein
Harvesters: Teens, shepherds & staff
Harvesting tools: ‘What Some People Get High On’ & ‘Four Horsemen’ tracts, guitars (for Holy Ghost Samples), Bibles, ‘Free Hugs’ signs (to attract said wheat), long arms (for giving ‘Free Hugs’), conviction, loud voices, MASSIVE smiles, Love.

A bunch of 'on-fire' 17 year-olds....Rosie in the forefront! They had just finished singing & witnessing around the campus...we got a LOT of good responses from the songs & Endtime message that day.

(l-r) Joy, Jasmine & Leila...these 3 were on the attack & won so many souls that day & really gave God's love & Word to so many....

You did not choose me, but I chose you & appointed you so that you should go & bear fruit & that your fruit should remain & that whatever you ask the Father in My name, He may give you...
--John 15:16 (NKJV)

If you want a simple yet powerful addition to your witness & testimony of God's love, just....give a hug. We had such good responses to the 'Free Hugs' addition to our witnessing...from students to professors to university staff, everyone was touched by this simple act of caring & were open to recieving tracts & a deeper message either of Jesus' love for them, or about the Endtime & Bible prophecy after recieving a hug.

Soldier of the Cross

Jesus tells us: If you love Me
You won't suffer any loss
Leave yourself & come away with Me
Be a soldier of the cross

Be not yoked with unbelivers
Be ye seperate in your ways
Come & join the Soul Retrievers
For these are the Latter Days

Give up what you cannot keep, my friend
To gain what you cannot lose
Jesus tells us "If you love Me,
Then the future's yours to choose"

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Family Discipleship Training Program!

I had the privilege of participating in a 4 week missionary training seminar in South Africa for 17 & 18 year olds last month...thus my absence from blogger....

Each of these young people had decided to make missionary living a career of their own & in attending this course have studied more in depth all that that will entail working with the Family International. The potential as far as motivation & dedication in each of these young people is amazing & has inspired me immensely!
I missed all the people back home...esp. art. He is really quite cool, and extremly funny guy. Love you man. (Art's little love-note to himself, there...don't ask me how he got into my they say here in Nigeria: "Don't mind him!")

As I always say, "A picture is worth a thousand words": Enjoy the following shots I (mostly anyways) took during the course of the course...


Some of the Word classes given included: Missionary Calling, Disicpleship, Prophecy & Witnessing.

Practical courses taught by guest teachers included: Project Management, Public Relations, Teaching, Secretarial & Office skills.

Working on an assigment as a team....

Open Forum in groups

Michael organizes game night...

At a nearby university praying before witnessing...

Let me at least start with these....more later! Enjoy!
(choosing pics out of thousands is INCREDIBLY mind boggling for a brain so small as mine....) ;)

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Back to the Blogging!

Hey, world!....

what happened there?...the last month was full & great fun, but I was waaaaaaaaaaay to busy to even think about blogging.

The FDTP in S.A. went very well & was a wonderful time of training for the nearly 20 attendees we taught during the course of the month.

I'll put up a more detailed report with pics soon.

I also didn't visit any of my friends blogs either....can't wait to catch up with everyone else in blogger world. See ya there!