Tuesday, August 21, 2012

For the facebookless..

I often forget that not all my friends have facebook accounts(although by now, that may no longer be true..) I realized I'd not yet posted about my 2 week project as an extra on the set of The Devil's Knot last month...participating in movie shoots has become something I've started enjoying more & more, although the enjoyment of meeting/seeing stars in action is usually accompanied by a looong day on set..u take the good with the bad, I guess...below is the copy of a letter I sent a friend of mine in Uganda talking a bit about the experience working on that movie, as well as something about a book I'm working on..enjoy..

Hey, Kath! How are you doing? Thanks for...
Brian Whyte 7:36am Aug 5
Hey, Kath! How are you doing?

Thanks for keeping in touch…

I’d been meaning to take time to write you about this movie I did some work on…

The movie’s called The Devil’s Knot (Worldview Entertainment production), & stars Colin Firth, Kevin Durand, Reese Witherspoon & a bunch more…I played a photographer in courtroom scenes, with the main involvement being just standing in background…let’s see if I’m seen at anytime in the movie…the movie premieres next year during the Summer…it focuses on the true story of a triple-murder of three 8 year-old boys in a small town called West Memphis, Arkansas…A horrific story, as far as the subject matter…the director who’s name I don’t remember has won an academy award & as disturbing the content, it promises to be a very good movie…so just know what you’re getting into when you go see this movie…
Meeting Colin Firth was interesting….He was extremely friendly, as well as down to earth…He didn’t act haughty at any time I saw him on set & was kind to everyone he came in contact with (the scenes I worked in, we were between 75-300 extras at any given time)…I was also in scenes with Reese Witherspoon & several other key actors including Kevin Durand (from Lost), who I also met & chatted with...Stephen Moyer (of True Blood fame) is also a key part of the cast of this movie...
I did 5 days of work with this movie over a 2-week period…it was definitely interesting watching the production of a major movie…it's kind of become a hobby of mine...something to do on my days off while making a little extra money in the process..

Changing the subject completely, I have a special prayer request (another one)..I’m actually working on a book about my decade in Africa, which I’m quite excited about…I’ve been working on this book off & on for about 3 years now..My prayer request is that the project will really take off & get underway…I’ve struggled to find chunks of time to write between everything else going on in life…I also hesitate to get my book going as a small part of me wonders who would even read it…So please pray that I'll have the time to write, as well as for dedication & patience that I'll see this project through  
I’m gonna be sending this prayer request to several friends, as I feel the Lord urging me to press on with this, but I know prayer power is needed to help me get this going…

Thanks…I really appreciate it..

Alright, well that’s the update for now…much more to catch you up on, but it would take too much time…Please send me (again) your Uganda number…home, or cell & I’ll be sure to give you a call sometime..

Much love to all there,


Wednesday, August 08, 2012

I Love You--Just You!

Here's an inspiring quote I read this morning on 1 of TFI's inspirational sites called Anchor:

There are many manifestations of the Lord’s great love for each of us. First of all, He died for us. The Lord also gave each of us a place of service in a tailor-made way where we can be witnesses for Him in this day and age. He called and chose you. The wonderful counsel and instruction that the Lord has given us, in the Bible and other inspired writings, not to mention the counsel He continues to pour out in prophecy to those who want it, is another great manifestation of His daily love for us. Furthermore, the Lord manifests His loving hand in our lives in the way He takes care of the personal details that concern us individually. The Lord wants you to know that you are unique and special to Him, and He cares in a very intimate way for all the little details of your life, which are different from those of anyone else.      

             --Maria Fontaine (originally published 1995, republished on Anchor July, 2012)