Thursday, December 20, 2012

The Christmas Shoes--from the Anchor website..

The Christmas Shoes

By Steve Hearts

The Christmas season—undoubtedly my most favorite season of the year—holds many unforgettable memories. To name a few: It was on a snowy December day when I was six years old that our family flew home to the U.S. from the Philippines, where we had been missionaries for the past several years. This was my first time to meet the grandparents, and the first time to experience snow. Christmas of 1998, the year I was 15, was spent on tour with a band that had come to Mexico from Washington D.C. to hold benefit concerts. I had a blast playing percussion on this tour.
But the two most memorable Christmas seasons for me occurred in 2002 and 2003, and they are linked together by a simple song and its impact on my life.
Christmas 2002 was an especially joyous occasion. My mother had been declared cancer-free several months earlier, and was feeling much stronger than she had felt in quite some time. One day in December, she was baking something for a gathering we were to attend the next day. I remember the aroma filling our Southern California apartment. The radio was set to a station that played holiday favorites 24-7. The repertoire consisted largely of lighter carols, such as “Jingle Bell Rock,” “Santa Claus Is Coming to Town,” etc. Then suddenly the tone drastically changed when a song began to play that captured my attention. I put aside what I was doing in order to tune in to it.
I later found out that it was titled “The Christmas Shoes,” performed by Newsong. The song tells the story of a man who found himself in a line at a store on Christmas Eve, trying to finish his last-minute holiday shopping. In front of him was a little boy, with an appearance which made it obvious that he’d seen better days, holding a pair of shoes in his hand. When his turn came to pay, he turned to the man and said he wanted to buy the shoes for his mother who was sick and didn’t have much time left. He wanted her to look beautiful if she were to meet Jesus that night. The boy put all the change he had on the counter. The cashier told him it wasn’t enough. He turned and looked at the man imploringly. The man helped pay for the shoes, and could not forget the look on the boy’s face as he thanked him and left.
As I listened to the song, tears rolled down my cheeks. I realized just how fortunate I was to still have my mother by my side. I imagined how sad I would have felt if I were in the place of that little boy who was about to lose his mother. The song stayed with me through the remainder of the Christmas season, eventually fading as the new year was ushered in.
As time went by, Mother again took a turn for the worse and her cancer recurred. By Christmas of the following year, she was in a nursing home, where she could only be kept comfortable until the end. One day during that period, I was out running errands with my brother, listening to the radio as we drove around. Suddenly, on came the forgotten song, “The Christmas Shoes.” How true it rang as I heard it this time around.
Moved by the song, we immediately bought Mother a pretty pair of shoes, which fit her beautifully and gave her great joy. She left us (in the physical, at least) only weeks later.
Today, this beautiful song helps me look beyond the hectic side of the Christmas season with all its outreach activities, plans and preparations for festivities, family visits, and what have you. When the ceaseless activity threatens to drive me nuts and I find myself succumbing to frustration, I hear my mother’s voice whispering to me, “Remember the ‘Christmas Shoes’ song.”
With this reminder, the stress and frustration dissipates, as I remember to be thankful for all I have and count my many blessings. I think of my family and loved ones who are still alive and well, and give thanks for my own life and health too. Last of all, I say a prayer for the many who find themselves in painful circumstances during the Christmas season—as the little boy in the song did, or as my family and I did in 2003. I ask Jesus to lead me to such people and give me an opportunity to be of comfort to them. He often does so. Gone is the nervousness I feel over the approaching singing engagement I don’t feel sufficiently prepared for, the irritation I feel when important details are overlooked, and all other such cares, as I strive to simply appreciate the fact that I am alive and able to enjoy yet another Christmas season.

Editor: Here are a couple of links where you can listen to the song:
Song with lyrics:
Music video: This shows clips from TV movie by the same title. Be aware: It’s a tear-jerker.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Book! For real!

I remember sometime about a year ago, or maybe even longer, announcing that ad 4 life would also take book form at some point & that I'd already started working on it...

While that was true in theory, it's actually true for real now & after having (just 2) people review a little of my work, the positive feedback gave me courage that others would/will enjoy it as well...

So to that end, I've started working earnestly on a full-on autobiography of my 10 years on Africa...

Pray for me. I'm excited.

preview coming soon...

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Legal Shield

I often post different updates to facebook as to different happenings to do with my business, but I realized I never put any Legal Shield data on my blog...

This is a wonderful product I've started using & recommending to others...check out the link below & then check the one below that one to find out how you can get this amazing service for yourself..

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

For the facebookless..

I often forget that not all my friends have facebook accounts(although by now, that may no longer be true..) I realized I'd not yet posted about my 2 week project as an extra on the set of The Devil's Knot last month...participating in movie shoots has become something I've started enjoying more & more, although the enjoyment of meeting/seeing stars in action is usually accompanied by a looong day on set..u take the good with the bad, I guess...below is the copy of a letter I sent a friend of mine in Uganda talking a bit about the experience working on that movie, as well as something about a book I'm working on..enjoy..

Hey, Kath! How are you doing? Thanks for...
Brian Whyte 7:36am Aug 5
Hey, Kath! How are you doing?

Thanks for keeping in touch…

I’d been meaning to take time to write you about this movie I did some work on…

The movie’s called The Devil’s Knot (Worldview Entertainment production), & stars Colin Firth, Kevin Durand, Reese Witherspoon & a bunch more…I played a photographer in courtroom scenes, with the main involvement being just standing in background…let’s see if I’m seen at anytime in the movie…the movie premieres next year during the Summer…it focuses on the true story of a triple-murder of three 8 year-old boys in a small town called West Memphis, Arkansas…A horrific story, as far as the subject matter…the director who’s name I don’t remember has won an academy award & as disturbing the content, it promises to be a very good movie…so just know what you’re getting into when you go see this movie…
Meeting Colin Firth was interesting….He was extremely friendly, as well as down to earth…He didn’t act haughty at any time I saw him on set & was kind to everyone he came in contact with (the scenes I worked in, we were between 75-300 extras at any given time)…I was also in scenes with Reese Witherspoon & several other key actors including Kevin Durand (from Lost), who I also met & chatted with...Stephen Moyer (of True Blood fame) is also a key part of the cast of this movie...
I did 5 days of work with this movie over a 2-week period…it was definitely interesting watching the production of a major movie…it's kind of become a hobby of mine...something to do on my days off while making a little extra money in the process..

Changing the subject completely, I have a special prayer request (another one)..I’m actually working on a book about my decade in Africa, which I’m quite excited about…I’ve been working on this book off & on for about 3 years now..My prayer request is that the project will really take off & get underway…I’ve struggled to find chunks of time to write between everything else going on in life…I also hesitate to get my book going as a small part of me wonders who would even read it…So please pray that I'll have the time to write, as well as for dedication & patience that I'll see this project through  
I’m gonna be sending this prayer request to several friends, as I feel the Lord urging me to press on with this, but I know prayer power is needed to help me get this going…

Thanks…I really appreciate it..

Alright, well that’s the update for now…much more to catch you up on, but it would take too much time…Please send me (again) your Uganda number…home, or cell & I’ll be sure to give you a call sometime..

Much love to all there,


Wednesday, August 08, 2012

I Love You--Just You!

Here's an inspiring quote I read this morning on 1 of TFI's inspirational sites called Anchor:

There are many manifestations of the Lord’s great love for each of us. First of all, He died for us. The Lord also gave each of us a place of service in a tailor-made way where we can be witnesses for Him in this day and age. He called and chose you. The wonderful counsel and instruction that the Lord has given us, in the Bible and other inspired writings, not to mention the counsel He continues to pour out in prophecy to those who want it, is another great manifestation of His daily love for us. Furthermore, the Lord manifests His loving hand in our lives in the way He takes care of the personal details that concern us individually. The Lord wants you to know that you are unique and special to Him, and He cares in a very intimate way for all the little details of your life, which are different from those of anyone else.      

             --Maria Fontaine (originally published 1995, republished on Anchor July, 2012)

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Drop Dead Diva..

Look for me in season 4, episode 12...

Unfortunately, I didn't get to take any pictures on set (am determined to next time)..but those of you who know & love the show will see me several months from now...

Although being an extra goes largely unnoticed (you're likely to be seen for a split second), it's a relatively thankless job, yet a vital part of absolutely every movie...

Today's extra shoot was downright relaxing, as I participated in 3 segments of scenes that were relatively quick to shoot...Firstly, a bailiff walking background in the courtroom scene shot in the morning (my work lasted 15 minutes), then lunch, followed by a back-background shot (as I call it) which I won't even be visible in, as I walked across the hall OUTSIDE the "Pakery" to create a shadow element inside the room (???)...Finally, a background scene shot inside where I was in camera view of the main characters...

It's interesting viewing movies & television shows after having worked on the set of one...instead of just looking at the story unfold, you'll look at shot angles, depth, lighting & make-up, length of takes, backdrops, set-build up & it brings to light the endless hours that make the months of creating a movie...On top of that, it can be a nice pastime on a day off of work that puts a little extra money in your pocket..

As I did after being on the set of Coma, I recommend everyone who's able to be an extra in a's a live experience you can't syndicate or experience that gives an educational aspect to an industry that dominates a large part of our lives...

I'll be doing more of these film shoots to help develop a portfolio for acting, which is slowly becoming a main hobby for me (next to writing & gyming)..

See you on the next set..

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

merry heart

works like a medicine, according to Proverbs...

For those of you who know me, I like to tell a good joke...imagine me doing a little stand-up & telling these as you read them..

Bar jokes

--A man walks into a bar with a cheese sandwich under his arm. "A pint of Guinness for me and the cheese sandwich," he says to the barman.
"I'm sorry, sir," replies the barman, "we don't serve food in here." 

--A guy walks into a bar and sees a sign that reads:

Cheese Sandwich: $1.50
Chicken Sandwich: $2.50
Hand Job: $10.00

He checks his wallet and beckons to the sexy bartender.

"Are you the one who gives the hand jobs?" he asks.

"Yes," she purrs. "I am."

"Well, wash your frickin' hands," says the man. "I want a cheese sandwich!"

--A guy walks into a bar and asks for a beer. He chugs it, looks into his pocket and asks for another beer. He chugs that beer, looks into his pocket and asks for another.

The man does this a few more times until the bartender asks, "How come you ask for a beer, chug it, then look in your pocket?"

The man says, "Because there is a picture of my wife in my pocket and I'm gonna keep drinking till she looks good enough for me to go home."

--A new guy in town walks into a bar and notices a large jar filled to the brim with $10 bills. The man approaches the bartender and asks, "What's up with the jar?"

"Well, you pay $10, and if you pass three tests, then you get all the money."

"What are the three tests?" asks the man

"Gotta pay first."

So the guy gives him the $10 bucks, and the bartender adds it to the jar.

"OK, here's what you have to do. First, you have to drink that whole bottle of pepper tequila -- the WHOLE thing at once -- and you can't make a face while doing it. Second, there's a pit bull chained up out back with a sore tooth. You have to remove the tooth with your bare hands. Third, there is a 90-year-old woman upstairs who's never had an orgasm in her life. You gotta make things right for her."

"Well, I know I've paid my $10 bucks," says the man, "but I'm not an idiot. No wonder you've collected so much money -- that's impossible!"

The new guy proceeds to drink several whiskeys, and eventually, he gets up his nerve.

"Wherez zat teeqeelah?" he slurs.

He grabs the bottle of pepper tequila with both hands and downs it, gulp by gulp. Tears are streaming down his cheeks, but he doesn't make a face. Next, he staggers out back. Everyone in the bar hears a huge scuffle outside -- barking, yelping and growling, then silence.

Just when they think the man must be dead, he staggers back into the bar with his shirt ripped and gashes across his body.

"NOW," he says, "wherez at ol' lady with the sore tooth?"

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Bucket List!

Thankfully, I'm in a far better mood today, then when I placed my last post...

As the story usually goes, had multiple events worth posting about over the last month or so, but time is always evading me...but that's my usual disclaimer, so I digress..

...below are what I'm determined to do before kicking it...(not necessarily in order of performance)..

1) adopt an African child/children

2) write an auto-biography

3) star in a movie...even if only in a minor role

4) see the Pyramids

5) swim with dolphins

6) marry & raise kids

7) build an orphanage in Africa (most likely Nigeria)

8) write a novel

9) speak a word into someone's life so encouraging or beautiful they're brought to tears

10) choreograph/teach dance professionally

11) skydive

12) speak French, Dutch, Arabic, Kiswahili, Spanish & Pidgin English fluently (& maybe Japanese too, but that might be pushing it)..

13) invent something. anything.

14) build a substantial business that will support my family, as well as missions & volunteer projects around the world.

15) visit Dubai

16) learn to sing

17) take underwater coral pictures off the Great Barrier Reef

18) learn guitar or piano professionally

19) start my own charity

20) own a horse (the only pet I really want)

21) compete on a major singing or dance competition show such as Dancing with the Stars, American Idol, X Factor, etc.

22) walk the great wall of China

23) perfect Latin dance forms i.e. Salsa, Paso, Tango, etc.

24) write a screenplay or musical

25) see the Sahara (note I did not say "cross the Sahara", as that's a completely different undertaking)

26) grow dreadlocks

...and that's just the first list...

The awesome part is that this is actually doable...if I were to make a list of all I've already done in only 32 years of life, it would be at least 15 times longer than the list above...I'm excited!!

again, these are not just God's grace, I will accomplish each of these before leaving this that I've spoken it into being, it'll as I tick them off 1 by 1...

Friday, April 27, 2012

Pieces of me...

(I originally started writing this about 2 wks back when in a particularly depressed started as a classic "Psalm of David/Lamentation" style prose, but then as I went back to edit it & the mood had lifted, it ended up just being a little reflection on life's "mid-life lessons" (boring, right?)...but hey, it was writing practice for me & a time of transparency for you all to see another side that I don't normally post on this blog...enjoy)

I think that many times this blog is a reflection of my accomplishments, life's great moments as would generally be defined by the general populace...moments of excitement, joy, adventure (I like that word), thrill, etc. But there's obviously another side to life.. I think it's partly a "guy" thing to hide those moments of frustration, anger, disappointment, or even deep discouragement, loneliness &/or sadness...but I don't think I'd be human if I didn't experience those feelings & I don't think I've fooled any of you into thinking that I don't...

So while you don't come online & look up this webpage to see what a bummer of things my life sometimes is, I do feel that there's a time to share the difficulties in life with those we are close to, as I believe that one of our greatest comforts in life is drawn from knowing that others we love go through similar times of difficulty, heartache & frustration...Who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God. (2 Cor. 1:4)

So enjoy these few random melancholy musings, that while seemingly soppy & sad, are actually proof that we need a well-rounded spectrum of experiences/circumstances to make us into what we should be..

--I miss Africa! most of you know, Africa was not only home for 10 years, but was also the where I started my adult life, discovered the real meaning of giving my life for others, traveled extensively on my own, learned to be a true missionary & the was, incidentally the birth place of this blog...The myriad of beautiful/exquisite/original & memorable experiences can't be repeated here (although they'll be printed & bound at some point), but serve as a collection of the most memorable years of my life & are a permanent part of me...since "coming to America" I've been in a time of learning & change, but I do feel that I left my heart in Africa & thereby am clearly not my full self..I know I'll return there someday...
     missing the myriad of true & close friends I made there over the course of a decade has also been an extremely difficult adjustment (although, thank God, I've made new friends here & am surrounded by family as well, which is great)...the abrupt severance of my connection with so many who I'd grown to know & love over 10 years in Africa has been an extreme challenge...but thank God for facebook, right?

--Adjusting to life's different stages is both challenging & interesting...Developing a depth in life comes from God's hand & is many times acquired in that realization that life doesn't turn out the way you want it to, or in my case, being at a place in life where many things would've been differently had I been in control at each faze of life...but that's where that surreal & trustworthy perspective touches your life that makes you pull down faith...that testing of your spirit that can result in utter peace, when you realize that a Greater work is at purpose in your life...this is the age where I'm at; where the look back views full & amazing years lived, but the future is still open & untouched...So I guess this "middle" feeling of limbo & adjustment I'm experiencing can't be mid-life crisis, as there's still too many experiences ahead...or maybe it's a "pre-midlife" crisis...yikes..

(transparency alert)
--I'm at the point where my bachelorhood has gotten to be an ironic mix of tedious expired overdue impatience & a subtle adjustment into a sort of settling that's neither disturbing nor peaceful...(?!?!) The lesson is that God's plan for mankind was not to be alone (!!)...I've always had a dream to marry & raise a family & while some say that if you're single for X amount of years it will always be that way, I'm still a dreamer in that regard & always remain hopeful for that utopia I've come to idealize...but until that time, I still dream of meeting that angel who I'll click compatibly with, as we strike romance right off the bat & live happily ever after...maybe the trick is getting to be this romantically inclined charmer, so as to attract said angel into my life...or maybe another life lesson will be learned through all this that love, while beautiful, is far from perfect & that the ideal happiness is not found in a perfect match of barbie & ken, but in two imperfect people filling the missing pieces in each other's puzzles (mmmm...kinky)..

So to that end, I don't go to movie's or to dinner (absolutely never) by myself, as doing either of these would ring the "bachelorhood bell" so loudly in my ear that I'd run out & marry the first random chick I found on the corner & God knows that wouldn't last (although it worked for Richard Gere in Pretty Woman..If life & movies were more like each other, life would be so different)...

This is getting too 2 help you all avert boredom & the acquistion of a sudden case of the "I-fell-asleep-while-reading-a-blog-post-syndrome", I'll sign off here..

thus ends part 1 of "pieces of me" on ad 4 life, by Brian Whyte...see you in part 2...

Thursday, March 22, 2012

My Density!!

Have any of you guys seen that movie Back to the the scene where the nerdy little Marty McFly senior (then a teenager) is practicing how he's gonna ask his soon-to-be wife out to the "Enchantment Under the Sea" his typical fumble-bum fashion, he nervously stammers out, "You are my density!"...

After Whitney Houston passed I realized how big a fan of hers I truly was when I found myself now buying her music, playing her CDs & collecting "remembrance" issues of different magazines featuring her life, legacy, fame, etc. Just as her life affected me, her passing affected me deeply..

The part that made me think the most deeply was the fact that she had such a unique life & a gift that no one else will ever have & yet she died before she was even 50, after battling with severe addictions for decades...It's clear that Whitney Houston's destiny was to give the world her voice as she did...but was her end a piece of her destiny, or could that have been avoided?

This brought me to thinking about what my destiny is...not just in the generic sense of "who am I?", but more as to how can I live out the full potential of my life & not let any of life go wasted, or not waste life as I live it...I thought of all the bucket list type things I'd wanna do, all the possibilities in life & all that I've already done & I realized that being where God wants you to be & living each day to the full is the essence of destiny...I know that I have gifts that I've not used, as well as been more greatly used in other ways than I may even know...but no matter what the story of life & how it's lived, where, when, with whom, etc. regardless of my circumstances, love is the greatest part of life..(1 Corinthians 13).

I asked the Lord about this & He spoke to my heart with the following message:

Part of the question for you is, what kind of destiny do u want to create? What type legacy do you want to leave for the next generation & for your circle of influence? All these questions & more will help you determine your destiny…
I have set you on a path. I have destined you to come to earth at this time & I have given you that which you need to know Me & be used of Me, but the rest is up to you. You know that I have called you & that I have destined you to be Mine, but whether you will follow or not, is up to you.. You have followed & your destiny of loving, living for & serving Me has already been served, but how you will leave your legacy in other ways is also up to you.. You could write a book on your past experiences for other generations to follow… You could leave your mark by influencing those of less fortune in Africa & make a destiny that way... You could have a family & children & this will also be passing life to another generation & keep your name & works & vision alive… but all of these can also be done together & are all a part of your destiny… So that answers who you’re destined to be, as well as how you can shape your destiny, for I leave a lot up to your heart’s desires & your will-power & ability to choose your desires & to follow on the path that I’ve led…this & more is your destiny…
Remember, also, that your destiny is your destination--& that’s Heaven. Everything you do points to your one day arriving home with Me & then your destiny will really be realized once you're faced with Heaven, the angels & your loved ones, you’ll know that I created you for a reason & that your life was no mistake & that big or small your destiny was realized in some way…probably in a bigger way than you think..So keep going, keep keeping on & don’t forget who you are (a child of God) & who I created you to be (a light & encouragement to others)…if you do this, you will fulfill your destiny & you will fulfill your heart’s desires…

Friday, January 27, 2012

Have you been there?

Cahoots and other interesting places

I have been in many places, but I've never been in Cahoots. Apparently, you can't go alone. You have to be in Cahoots with someone.

I've also never been in Cognito. I hear no one recognizes you there.

I have, however, been in Sane. They don't have an airport; you have to be driven there. I have made several trips there, thanks to my friends, ex wife, family, and work.

I would like to go to Conclusions, but you have to jump, and I'm not too much on physical activity anymore.

I have also been in Doubt. That is a sad place to go, and I try not to visit there too often.

I've been in Flexible, but only when it was very important to stand firm.

Sometimes I'm in Capable, and I go there more often as I'm getting older.

One of my favorite places to be is in Suspense! It really gets the adrenalin flowing and pumps up the old heart! At my age I need all the stimuli I can get!

I may have been in Continent, and I don't remember what country I was in. It's an age thing.

Please do your part! Today is one of the many National Mental Health Days throughout the year. You can do your bit by remembering to send an e-mail to at least one unstable person. My job is

Life is too short for negative drama and petty things. So laugh insanely, love truly and forgive

From one unstable person to another... I hope everyone is happy in your head - we're all doing pretty good in mine!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

New Year's Resolutions..

So apparently I have some...a few actually...

Here are the top 10 (not necessarily in order of priority):

1) NOT txt &'s completely illegal & it's gonna get me in a wreck one of these days...

2) Be financially goal is to double last year's income...(roughly 25 Gs)

3) Stay spiritually focused...While attending my cousin's church, after the service one of the pastors asked me if I'd any spiritual goals for the New Year...and that made me much as I love the Lord & consider myself a spiritual person, I hadn't actually thought @ my specific goals as far as my walk w/ the Lord in 2012...In one way I thought that was a good thing, as by nature I try to take time w/ Jesus every day & talk to Him as I go about my day, meditate on Him when waking & lying down, take time to read the Word each day, etc. So all this will while I was happy that these things come naturally, at the same time, I did want to set a new goal for myself (at this preacher's prompting) & in the end decided that my spiritual goal for this year is 2-fold:

a) think positively about myself...I realized that as much as I believe in & love Jesus, my outlook on myself & my day-to-day circumstances can be pretty negative at times....much of the time, actually...but since God is Love, Happiness, Inspiration, etc., since He created me, I should exude those same things...& furthermore, if I believe He's all-right, all-good, has a perfect plan for me, etc. I should be happy that my life is as He wants it & that He'll perfect it as I go along (I'm still convincing myself of this goal even as I write it now..)...

I'd like to see manifestations of miracles this's always inspiring/motivating to see God's hand move & I want 2012 to be no exception...I'm looking forward to miracles of supply, healing, renewed hearts & ppl turned to Jesus...should be exciting..

4) Star in a major motion picture..I'd like to have a speaking part in a movie this year...I'm coming up w/ a bucket-list (which will be really long...thankfully it'll include experiences I've already had...which might not seem to make sense) & 1 thing on that list already is to star in a last year's experience as an extra doesn't count towards this bucket-list goal, as I want to see my name on the credit at the end of said movie that I star in...Being that loads of movies are being made in Atlanta these days, this one should be pretty easy...keep ur fingers crossed, everyone..

5) Get into a new relationship
...while my last relationship lasted more than 2 years, that now seems a few days in comparison w/ the 30+ years of my life...after being single nearly 2 years after that it seems it's time for me to turn on the love-light in my life again..let's see what (or rather 'who') 2012 has for me..I'm trying to devise a plan as to how this will come into being (although, if there's anything I've learned as to how not to get into a relationship, it's to plan for one)...will it be online dating that does the trick? or will I turn on sparks with someone I already know, or meet someone entirely new? We Shall See!!

6) Pump major iron!!! I plan to put on at least 10 pounds this year (which for me is a lot, seeing as I've weighed roughly the same weight over the last 10 years)...Plus, being generally fit/ripped is always cool..may help in the modelling/movie department too..

7) Eat health food...this goes along with the previous resolution & I'm determined to stay a "health freak" as some of my dear African friends have termed me...

8) Take time w/ family & friends...due to both the higher costs of city living & the desire to start some kinda savings, I've turned into a complete work horse & a total anti-socialite...I'm set to have this change over 2012 & am determined to hang out w/ friends (make new ones) & family throughout the year...

9) Which brings me to my Europe trip, speaking of family....I'm excited about doing the usual London/Belgium trip, but am also convinced I'll see Paris again after 6 or so years...Holland is also on my 2012 wish-list...

10) Build a solid team of associates with my LegalShield business..the future is bright (golden, in fact) with this new opportunity & I'm looking forward to not only selling many, many memberships here in the city of Atlanta, but am also looking forward to building a team of associates between friends here & throughout the country as I introduce others to the same opportunity I was introduced to a half-year ago...

aaaaaaand 1 more for good measure:

11) Write...determined (there's that word again...maybe that's what all these things will take) to make further headway on researching towards & writing my book on my time in Africa...this will also keep Africa in my heart & help me not miss it so much...

What are your 2012 resolutions?