Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Pray for my friends..

My sister sent me this e-mail, w/ this urgent prayer request:

Hi Everyone,

Just a quick note to you all:

J. just phoned and told me that yesterday G. was brought to the hospital, she has a acute swelling in her one of her legs.
She has had this for quite some time now but never had it checked up until recently.
It seems her blood is not circulating in the bottom half of her leg, the doctors told her if the blood doesn’t start flowing probably within a short time that there is a possibility that they will have to amputate her leg.
I’m quite taken back by this, it comes as a quite a shock.
Nobody expects something like this to happen to someone you know.
So I want to ask if you all can pray for her, pray that the blood starts to circulate and that she can keep her leg.
Thanks a lot.

Lots of love,

Also, my dear friends Eman & Lita have their baby boy in the hospital w/ pneumonia as a result of contracting measles which is going around Africa hectically right now..He's had trouble breathing & had to be put on oxygen..

Pls. pray desperately for the Lord to keep his little life safe & that he'll heal completely w/ no side affects...


Thursday, June 17, 2010


Well, we didn't win...but the action was amazing & worth every bit of rejoicing we did last night..

Get ALL the action at this link..

Monday, June 14, 2010

FIFA 2010 so far...

Obviously, the whole world is following..

as mentioned in an earlier post, TFI (The Family International) is doing a LOT during this month in evangalistation & humanitarian projects throughout..

Friday's kick-off saw us performing at a township in Zandspruit Community along w/ North Point City Church..That day the SA/Mex & Uruguay/France games were held..

Yesterday we performed outside Hatfield Stadium in Pretoria all day Sunday before the Serbia/Ghana & Australia/Germany games..

The vibe was amazing...the performances were spontaneous (although pre-practiced) & continuous & a mighty witness went out...

The display of color, vibrancy, joy, excitement & just plain fun was captured by our thorough & professional documentation team..
is where it's all logged & blogged... make sure you're there at some point. Awesome.

(unfortunately blogger's not letting me add a hyperlink right now, so you'll have to cut & paste that code above...)

Friday, June 04, 2010

200th POST ON AD 4 LIFE!!!...XD & other recent pics...

This is where I spent the 1st 2 wks of May..
XD (Xtreme Disciple) was a life-changing & helped me realign my goals in life in light of the years ahead & all that I'll face as God does new things for me & all of us...

Me & my mentoring group..

Isn't she cute?

Steve's B'day..

At Gold Reef City..

During a donated Team Building session as one of the scheduled activities...

Forum in small groups...where the practical application on the life-skills presented takes place..

W/ Bible students, Active Members & friends in Lusaka, Zambia, shortly before my 30th B'day...

Happy B'day to 1st B'day in Zam...probably the last?

Some of the drama and witnessing team we took to UNZA (University of Zambia)that day...

FIFA 2010 World Cup South Africa starting in 7 days..


We've a lot of plans to make the most of this time in the way of reaching all the millions (figurative, not literal) who will come down here w/ inspiration & a message of God's Love.

Apart from that, we'll also be coordinating projects w/ other volunteer orginisations who will solicit help from overseas volunteers to conduct projects to help the needy here in Africa, taking advantage of some of the manpower from outside the country during the World Cup month.

Stay tuned for regular project updates conducted by TFI (The Family International) in the Gauteng area & throughout SA.

Tuesday, June 01, 2010


..The measles has been going around Gauteng, (all of SA, actually) & I'm so glad I had it when I was little..

..Helping conduct the XD seminar was a truly enjoyable experience..

..Solidifying plans on 3 new projects to do w/ the World Cup that will be conducted from the 11th of June, till the 15th of July...

..The SCM (Student Christian Movement) started by Phoebe & Simon has been growing & going extremely well...Reaching those kids in that township high school is a top thrill (personally, at least)...

..I've started working out again after a 4 week break (2 wks Bronchy, 2 wks XD)..

So there's an end to a month-long silence..

What's up w/ u?