Thursday, July 29, 2010

Back in the States..

After being away 3 years..

Last time I was here was only 4 a couple months anyway..

It's been a while since I was up on this page...a long break due to closing World Cup projects, then major car issues, then packing & preparing for almost 40 hours of flying...

Well, I've been here for nearly 2 weeks, so no excuses after I arrived here..

It's been great seeing all my family again (Sister, Grandmama, cousins, etc.) as well as spending a little more extensive time w/ my Grandmother, my sister, Phebe & my nephew, Dorian..Also, wasted no time in starting work on my license, resume for job hunts, etc. So it's busy times yet again, but also trying to relax/take a break at the same time..

Most anyone who has tried to keep up w/ this blog, has likely given up by now, as my posts are always so sporadic...but maybe that's what keeps it exciting? (He asked, directing the question to himself at the same time..)

Anyways, here I am & here I shall stay...find me here anytime & look forward to more frequent postings..(and no, that's not yet another empty promise)..

I'll close w/ this quote I read in July's issue of activated today:

If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.--The Dalai Lama

Monday, July 05, 2010

Answered prayers..

..."and while they are yet speaking, I will hear"..

My friend in Belgium, had a different diagnosis since we've been praying & now it seems it's only a thyroid problem in her leg, not the bad circulation first expected..

Hugo of Eman & Lita is back at home & recovering well..

No wonder we keep moves God toward our behalf in time of need...

Try it sometime if you haven't recently...
