Friday, November 24, 2006

4 Sonia......

This one especially for you, Sonia....since you said you enjoyed those other pics so much....

Bear with us ppl....we may just get another missionary to Africa out of this....huh, Sonia?

The last 2 photos taken in Uganda during some CTPs done there...I won't take credit for those two, I didn't take them (DUH! I'm in one!). I post these even at the risk of giving away my 'Remembering Uganda' post...(I think that's an advert for a future post. What say you? Stay tuned....)


Sorry, Sonia....I actually wanted to add more, but this is all the internet connection would allow.....XO

Monday, November 20, 2006


I had put up the pics of my last trip, but I also wanted to post some great shots I took of the community kids during our awareness program for the clinic that we held the weekend before I went on my trip. Enjoy!

....Please appreciate these pics as it literally takes me about 7-10 minutes to upload each of these pictures onto this blog....just so you know what went into "That Bananna There"....

This kid in the middle (the only one smiling)kept wanting to be in all the pictures...

It's cute how they're so eager to be in the pictures even though they know they won't get the picture, nor will they get anything for the picture (Of course, they'll benefit from the free & subsidized health care & prayer that we'll be giving them & their families every time they're sick. But of course, they're not thinking of that when you're taking their "snap", as they call it). They just enjoyed having their picture's like a whole event in itself for them....

Friday, November 17, 2006


Hey, y'all!
Thanks so much for praying for my trip...all went well & I enjoyed it immensely. This despite long rides down crater-infested roads, tropical heat & a near attack by armed robbers (that's a whole 'nother story in itself...stay tuned...). But those are just the few difficulties to endure (in other words, the exciting bits)...the rest was a succesful Christmas party (early, I know) for handicapped & orphans, suply along the way, angels of protection & safe-keeping there & back, as well as lots of sights to see, good food to eat & photographers oppurtunities everywhere....

Yet again, a picture says so much more than words, so without saying much more (can't promise total silence, though) I'll give you pics of some of this weeks' highlights...(this method of more pics/less words not spurred by laziness, only an attempt to save time, ha!). Enjoy!

On the way....I forget which town...excuse!

Now, he's pulling...but I don't know what he's gonna do with the thing once he gets it out....

Shanty-town... all these pics taken from my rear-seat window while on the road, by the way....thus the shakey/blurry effect.

Can you guess what happened here???....I still haven't QUITE figured it out!--HOW?????

The back view from the hotel where we stayed....this is called Nike Lake (pronounced 'Neekay') and is just outside the town where we did our Christmas program

Some of the new friends I made at the center enjoying our program...

Some of our teens giving gift bags to some of the orphans after our show...

Sunday, November 12, 2006


Just to let you all know that I'll be going on a week-long trip tomorrow to the east of Nigeria (Enugu) with a few others by road to check on the projects if you don't hear from me for the next while, you know why!

Please do help us by praying that the Lord will keep us safe on the roads the whole way there & that the projects will continue developing just as they should & that any bible studies & other witnessing we do will be a blessing to many...

Thanks soooooo much! Will update when I'm back!


Have a great week ahead,


Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Those long-awaited pics.....

That took long enough, didn't it?? But at least meanwhile I got to post some very inspired words that changed me when I read them & hopefully will chang you too...

Here's a couple random pics from recent times....there's a couple classics I'm still waiting for...stay tuned!

The real truth is that I've been ready to post this for days....but the internet's been giving me trouble (I'm still gonna be happy & smiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiile). So without further ado......I give you...

Here are some pics I took at the beach the Sunday before last. Nicely enough, we got to go again last Sunday.--Actually to the beach house about 2 up from this one where I took these pics from....But only Elene took pics that day & I don't know if she'd let me post them...hmmmmm (not that I HAVE them)--Enjoy! state the obvious

some of us with a friend who invited us....just shortly before food time...that's why they're looking happy....

Etienne & Rachel's cute baby...

It was a good day of swimming, relaxing & enjoying cold drinks, grilled meat & Lebanese cuisine....good stuff. TYJ!

The next ones have nothing to do with the not confused....

our own private "Moat" directly in front of our gate.....this is seasonal, thankfully, & will go away shortly after the rainy season stops...