Monday, December 12, 2011

On set..

I had a good time working on set as an extra for the production of the film 'Coma' last wk Monday & Tuesday...

This is an upcoming mini-series produced by A&E, playing next year over Memorial Day wknd..It stars James Woods, Geena Davis, Joe Morton, Burgess Jenkins & others..From wat I understand it's a 3rd remake, with the original having been a 70s version with Micheal Douglas, then another mini-series of the same story done in the late 90s..

I play a medical intern & will most likely be seen wandering the hospital, checking on patients, etc..of course, once editing is done, u may not even see my face at all..But hey, it was an experience nonetheless & a good way to make a little extra on my days off..

This was my first time being on a movie set & it was quite a sight to see the intense detail & tediousness behind making a movie..Interesting how it all've got the set director leading his tech team who are putting up reflectors, taping of lights, marking camera spots, building the set, the same time the director director is looking at shots, communicating with the actors & watching each rehearsal & take (1x the set director & team finished putting everything in place)...then the director has an assistant director who's also directing certain takes, & the set director has a first assistant too...then there's the "extras director" who's looking at the whole scene apart from the immediate actors & bringing in (through his assistant) all of us who build the scene surrounding the actors..the chain of command trickled waaaay down...amazing..

Then there's the camera crew & computer technicians..this whole team makes up about 20 0r 30 ppl, not to leave out the costume & make up department & then all the extras...for most of the scenes I worked in, the actual actors were only 2 or 3 in each shot at one time, but altogether there were between 35 & 50 of us on set at any given time...

More extra roles in the future will hopefully lead to an actual role, or more significant film appearance in the future..

I recommend extra work for those looking for a little side income, or something to do on your day off, or even for someone just wanting to experience being part of a movie, seeing how it's all done, etc. Try it sometime!

Thursday, December 08, 2011

coming back...

ok, that's it...

I'm back...

it seems that adventure still abounds, although, certainly in smaller & less exciting doses....but adventure is adventure & it's time I started writing again...

Ok, let me tell you the real reason I'm writing on this site again...

A book by the same name of this site is being currently constructed (penly speaking) order to write good book material, I need to keep my writing skills honed/up to snuff/practiced/sharpened....ok, I think u get the point..

all that to say...I'll be writing up here again..

Tune in to tomorrow's post (or the day after, depending on how life goes over the next couple days) which will tell about my adventure being a part (a small part) of the mini-series Coma, starring Geena Davis, James Woods, Burgess Jenkins & others...

See u then..;)