Monday, September 24, 2007

Jos Bible Camp!

Just returned the day b4 yesterday from Plateau State, about 3 states up north-east of Abuja, where we held a 4-day Bible seminar for a small Discipleship group in a city called Jos. Pictured above is the quaint little hotel that we held the seminar at...

Now I can see why missionaries always traveled to Jos over the years as the temperature, climate & scenery are ideal (even when in the States earlier this year, while we were holding a missionary living class for Sunday School group of Third Graders at a Baptist Church, the pastor told me about his visit to "Josh" in the 70s & how he liked it so much....I corrected him once or twice saying that the name of the place was in fact 'Jos', but after about the 4th or 5th enthusiastic repeat offense of the word "Josh", I gave up...)...around this time of year (nearing the end of rainy season) the outskirts of town are just covered with greenery & flowers.

But, yeah, there's just something about teaching God's word to a group of hungry souls for nearly a week straight. I swear it's the ultimate therapy (& I don't swear).
My next swear is that the 12 Foundation Stones Course is about the most
inspiring Bible Guide ever put together. It brings the Bible alive unlike
NOTHING I have ever read before. With it's insertion of true-life stories, lively skits, discussions & practical steps for direct application, this course not only enables, but leaves the student with an ornate desire to get out & do everything for God & fellow man that they can...That thing is so anointed & I believe that
that was the cause of half the fun I had over the last 5 days.

Besides the 6 classes taught, we also enjoyed inspirations, Loving Jesus night, volleyball & a movie together (Pay it Forward, which went right along with your witnessing/change the world class...Awesome!)

Enjoy the following pictorial (all pics by me, unless I'm in them...go figure..):

Simon teaching the Eternal Salvation class...

Enjoying a meal of Semovita (maize starch) Egusi soup & Beef was actually really good...

All of us, minus Paul (our Active Member who had to travel the day b4)on the last day

The cute girls who attended our seminar: Biara, Grace & Pamela

Jos' flowery hills...

I have no idea what type flower this is, but they were everywhere & they were pretty.

The Miracle Motor!

Quite literally, actually...

Referring to the car story you've all been waiting for...(correct me if I'm wrong (someone I live with, that is...)). To my knowledge, the story goes something like this:

We have a long-time friend who helps regularly with large donations towards our projects & also every now & then with specific requests. He's also the one that just gave us the use of his house in Jos when we held our Bible camp last week (but that's another story...).

One day about 2 weeks ago, he called us up out of the blue & said: "I have a van that I would like to give you. Come to my office & pick up the keys". So off went Angela, Michelle & Abner to pick it up & about 45 minutes later they came back with this automatic '98 Honda minivan (sort of, more like station wagon), that's actually in pretty good running condition. It's not brand new, but no one's complaining at all as it was FREE! Hallelujah!

Later Angela found out that our team in Port-Harcourt had just prayed that morning in devotions that the Lord would supply another car for us so that we'll be able to drive up to Yankari (National Park) together at the end of the year (we had 3 vehicles, but only one is large enough to hold a group of us plus luggage. We're trying to sell our Jeep Cherokee as it's older & has issues (another prayer request...) & the 3rd one is a very small, 25 year old Peugoet that's...special.).
So the Lord answered that prayer the same day. Now between our truck & the minivan, we'll all be able to travel up together....awesome.

Isaiah 65:24= And it shall come to pass that before they call I will answer; and while they are yet speaking I will hear.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Nigerian Driving!

I got my Nigerian license the other day, so now I'm legally on the road...

The "dive-in" method proved effective as I combined my first attempts at Nigerian driving with getting to know Abuja city (road's wise) in earnest & find my way around.

I had been taking taxis when going out with Michelle, or would tune out completely when with another legally-road-worthy driver in times past, so I got it "cold turkey" about a week ago when I took the car & went out with Anisa (who is brand new to Abuja). Half our time was spent asking for directions, but since that day, I've been driving everywhere & am finally getting a little grip (mentally) on the roads here.

Even though I've been part of the work in Abuja for about 9 months, I spent more than 3 months of this year abroad, (2 in the U.S. & 1 in S.Africa) & hadn't really done much driving here between, so my sense of road knowledge (which is already generally useless) was...well, pretty much non-existant....I'm glad that's changed now.

Pictured is the car I presently drive.

I'm gonna tell you a REALLY GOOD car story tomorrow...don't let me forget!

(if you guess what it is b4 I post it, you get a prize...)

Sunday, September 09, 2007

An Answered Prayer and a Prayer Request...

Way-cool! The Lord answered that one really fast...

We have a Bible camp/Discipleship training course coming up for a group of friends in Jos on the 20th of September. When looking at the expenses for our trip & hotel costs for the whole group, it came to about double of what we'd already raised in sponsorship for the thing...

So we had prayed that the Lord would touch a bigtime sponsor's heart who has a house in Jos, so he'd let us use it. We prayed for it all together one morning as a team.
The same day, when Michelle & Angela were out, she called the guy & he said yes right away. With having a house there, we can not only cover the whole cost of the camp with the amount of funds we have, but we can even start the camp a day early, fitting in an extra 3 classes...awesome...we'll be teaching the 12 Foundation Stones classes..

So the prayer request now is:

That the Lord will make a way for each of the attendees to be able to be free during the days that we're there.

That He'll supply any other needs for costs we still haven't covered.

That it will be the most powerful discipleship course these students have ever taken & that they'll get ahold of the Lord during this time & really find out what His plan for each of them is.

That He'll anoint each of us who are hosting it to be good teachers & powerful witnesses...

Thanks so much!

Sunday, September 02, 2007

For Lola....

I didn't miss her B'day, but I did miss posting about it...

..her B'day was actually in the beginning of August, but since I'd been away so long, the first posts I managed to put up were of the FDTP...

..but the good thing about this is that she's not expecting it....Please surprise her by wishing her a happy New Year & telling her something you'd want her to have this new year. (especially all those of you who know her)

Enjoy the following pics of "big sis"....

Taken quite recently in the North of Iceland, shortly before her B'day...I actually nabbed this one off of Anj's (far left) blog ( See my sister second from right. She's a faithful missionary in the way North of the globe...Iceland! She's been diligently ministering the Lord's Word the the people there for the last 2 years now & going strong...I really admire & look up to her. Go, Lola!

Interestingly enough, I was thinking how when I was down in S.Africa, month before last, with her at the top of the globe that was probably the furthest any of us had ever been from each other geographically. (besides when I was in Japan & some of my family were in Belgium...then again..)

Showing one of her silly sides....

...and another one...

The funny thing about Lisa, is that she'll look almost completely different in every picture...many a phase this woman has gone through...she should right a book, actually! Hey, Lisa, why don't you do that?? You could call it...."The many sides of Lisa Velzeboer"...or "101 Ways to be Yourself"...go with that last one, actually...

Anyways, I'm praying this year will bring New challenges your way, since you like adventure so much & that God will guide you in everything you do & keep you healthy, happy & safe...