Sunday, September 09, 2007

An Answered Prayer and a Prayer Request...

Way-cool! The Lord answered that one really fast...

We have a Bible camp/Discipleship training course coming up for a group of friends in Jos on the 20th of September. When looking at the expenses for our trip & hotel costs for the whole group, it came to about double of what we'd already raised in sponsorship for the thing...

So we had prayed that the Lord would touch a bigtime sponsor's heart who has a house in Jos, so he'd let us use it. We prayed for it all together one morning as a team.
The same day, when Michelle & Angela were out, she called the guy & he said yes right away. With having a house there, we can not only cover the whole cost of the camp with the amount of funds we have, but we can even start the camp a day early, fitting in an extra 3 classes...awesome...we'll be teaching the 12 Foundation Stones classes..

So the prayer request now is:

That the Lord will make a way for each of the attendees to be able to be free during the days that we're there.

That He'll supply any other needs for costs we still haven't covered.

That it will be the most powerful discipleship course these students have ever taken & that they'll get ahold of the Lord during this time & really find out what His plan for each of them is.

That He'll anoint each of us who are hosting it to be good teachers & powerful witnesses...

Thanks so much!

1 comment:

whacky said...

will pray for it! Love you lots!