Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Drop Dead Diva..

Look for me in season 4, episode 12...

Unfortunately, I didn't get to take any pictures on set (am determined to next time)..but those of you who know & love the show will see me several months from now...

Although being an extra goes largely unnoticed (you're likely to be seen for a split second), it's a relatively thankless job, yet a vital part of absolutely every movie...

Today's extra shoot was downright relaxing, as I participated in 3 segments of scenes that were relatively quick to shoot...Firstly, a bailiff walking background in the courtroom scene shot in the morning (my work lasted 15 minutes), then lunch, followed by a back-background shot (as I call it) which I won't even be visible in, as I walked across the hall OUTSIDE the "Pakery" to create a shadow element inside the room (???)...Finally, a background scene shot inside where I was in camera view of the main characters...

It's interesting viewing movies & television shows after having worked on the set of one...instead of just looking at the story unfold, you'll look at shot angles, depth, lighting & make-up, length of takes, backdrops, set-build up & it brings to light the endless hours that make the months of creating a movie...On top of that, it can be a nice pastime on a day off of work that puts a little extra money in your pocket..

As I did after being on the set of Coma, I recommend everyone who's able to be an extra in a's a live experience you can't syndicate or experience that gives an educational aspect to an industry that dominates a large part of our lives...

I'll be doing more of these film shoots to help develop a portfolio for acting, which is slowly becoming a main hobby for me (next to writing & gyming)..

See you on the next set..

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