Saturday, November 03, 2007


k, so it's tomorrow....

the issue: Simply put= is it right for Christian's to kill? If so, when? What was Christ's main take on violence, killing etc.

Ok, I'll get into a little more detail...the main issue in our debate which followed the viewing of this movie was revenge killings, in, someone kills one of my loved ones (be it by a mugging or robbery, rape killing, or some killing with some kind of motive, don't ask me what...). Would it be right for me to try & get revenge, killing the killer...?

I'm sorry for sounding stupid & this may seem like the very basics of right & wrong (to me it actually does...) but there are many Christians with views on this that would surprise you...

What do you ppl. say...?

1x I have a few comments, I'm gonna post my general take on this, scriptures to back my view, etc....I just wannna see what folks have to say first...


CurlyCel said...

Wow - no comments? Yikes! Maybe it's 'cause you've been out of the blogging rink for a while. :(

As for this debate, I imagine its over by now, but I honestly do not feel that there is ever a time when killing is ok. - It's just not! - Though I can see their point seeing as there is the "eye for an eye" and "tooth for a tooth" from the Old Testament. Which is why the old law is out, and the new law of LOVE is in. ;)

I don't know, I feel its pretty basic myself, why stoop to being as low as the other?

Nyx Martinez said...

I say kill your enemies--by making them your friends.

Wild Flower said...

I haven't watched the movie yet, but I agree with Cel. If you kill, you are just like the other person, and no better for it. Whether you kill for revenge, it's still murder and it will come back to you.
Another interesting movie in this topic is :"a time to kill".
I guess maybe other Christians are less accountable than us...but we Can't. It completely defies God's law of love and loving your enemies and being like Jesus.

Anonymous said...

An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. That was the original word of God - pure and untarnished by someone else's account!

The death penalty should be legalized everywhere.