Sunday, January 28, 2007


This is an old post (about 2 wks...) & Hamatan is now coming to an end....but I thought to post it least you'll learn something....

It's interesting looking around these days while out or on the road because everything's covered with a sort of cloudy haze...this is not because it's cloudy/rainy's because it's "dust" season...Hamatan! This is literally a dusty season which lasts about 2 months because of wind changes from the North which carry away the rains & bring in massive amounts of dust from the Sahara desert which fill the skies. Check out the "fog-imitation" look that follows...
Pictures of 'Hamatan':

Across the Lake close to our house....this pic taken late-afternoon...but about 2 hours before sunset, so as you can see, it's pretty hazy looking.

The dust "fog" quite apparant in this one....the time in here being about midday.

I took this one in Zaria itself, right behind the hospital where the project site is, at the house where we stayed. This is actually the sun, even though it looks like the moon. Amazing! Attempting to peer through all the dust...Granted, this is about 1/2 an hour before the sun set, which is why it's so dull...interesting effect.


Anonymous said...

didn´t know they have a dust season there... interesting

Nyx Martinez said...

Nice....wish I lived by a lake.

Unknown said...

It is nice....but the draw back is, ya' get a lotta mosquitos? Please help us in praying that we stay malaria-free....txsm!

Anonymous said...

Wow, awesome pic's! But must not be so comfy to breathe. GBY! -am praying for you. Mom XXX

Axe Addict said...

I miss hamattan