Saturday, December 09, 2006

Remembering Uganda!!

Hey, everyone!
Long time, huh?
I'm realizing that no one is appreciating my Christmas message so far..... :(..judging by the lack of comments at least...

But what is always popular (hope I'm not going solely for popularity here) is PICS OF without further ado, I give you 'Remembering UG' (that's Uganda, just so you know).

It was my home for 2 years & many an adventure & lesson were had there. It's still the home of some of my dear friends & who knows, it just may be "home" again one day. But till then, you all get a peak into what I was up to during those 2 years & this also serves (or should) as a reminder for everyone out there to keep praying for our work there & for the people of Uganda.

Ok, there's a reason for this fuzzy pic...this is me performing with Tina, Heather, Julie & them in UG when I first visited there in 2002 & was still living in Kenya (where I lived for 4 years, by the way....we'll have to do a 'Remembering Kenya' post sometime as well) you're seeing me when I was first introduced to UG.

Ok, we're gonna try to somewhat keep the chronological order here....let's see how long it lasts....
This is a couple days after I first moved to UG, a friend invited our whole team & kids to a pool for the day...I'm playing with Kaycee & Kingdom...(Boy have they grown since then...)

Ok, moving right along...on our way up to visit the Ik tribe (that'll be another post one day...actually, maybe not, it was 2 years ago & it's on Nikki's blog...but I'm writing a book (did I say that out loud?) you'll hear about it all one day...
Pictured is our friend Katerina, Nikki, John Mark (an Ik himself) & myself....recognize me?

In Ik land itself (as you no doubt guessed..) I should've posted the cool pic of how you get into one of the have to croutch down & squeeze through a little opening in the stick was cool.
Once in Ik land we brought each village (that eventually spread out to reach all the 6,000, or so population of Ik) Bible tapes with hand-cranked tape recorders & school supplies, as well as took their plight & needs back to Kampala with us, which turned out to be the key in them being recognized/noticed as a people (most Ugandans didn't know they existed) mainly due to an art exhibit that Nyx did for them at the Sheraton. (Again, see her blog for the full story

"Beer corner"--4 of my good friends...l-r: Nikki, Celly, Tina & Sunshine I love them & miss them...especially Tina & Sunshine who I worked quite closely with. GBY, guys!
Here you catch a glimpse of Uganda's number 1 beer (acc. 2 Me), 'Club'.

With colleagues & friends @ Nyx' farewell...

A group shot at the end of one of our wonderfully inspiring Sunday fellowships...

With Jakisa & Farida...

This orphan had a party at our house with about 10 of his peers...

Doing a Latin one with Tina during one of our Benefit concerts for a Tour
company....That girl can really shake it!!

With Joanna, & friends after teaching a 12 Foundations Bible Class...

a beautiful late-afternoon Kampala sky....


Anonymous said...

Awesome,Brian! Wow! Great pics. We miss you lots,man.

whacky said...

Eh, Sssebo! It is erratic... it is just fluid! :P

Ruth Cortejos said... are always fun!!

anna said...

It's always fun to look back and see what you've done and relive memories. And it's even cooler when you can share them. GBY Brian.

David loves Jesus! said...

oops, that above post was from me, I didn't realize I was signed in as anna. ha, oh well.

Nyx Martinez said... just had to take me back there, didn't you....