Sunday, August 02, 2009

FDTP 2009..

Explains my abscence from this blog (Funny how I seem to use the same events that make my blog, as excuses for not blogging..)...

But we've just concluded the first week of the month-long "Family Discipleship Training Program" for 17 year olds..(a month long college course taken just before reaching the age of 18, that prepares individuals for missionary living in the Family International)..

Thanks to your prayers, it's gone great so far. I haven't posted pics, as I haven't shrunk any yet & the bandwith here in Laezonia's quite limited..but when I shrink, I shall post.

More soon!

P.S. It's still freezing.

P.P.S. Lisa turned 30 yesterday. Wow..we're no longer children..she's the second of my siblings to pass the 3 decade mark (she's gonna kill me for this) & I'm to join them next March. As they say, time waits for no one..heh..

I'm praying she has a wonderful year & I pray you all join me in praying for her (I pray you pray, heh). She's still serving the Lord in Iceland & is giving of herself every day in a VERY cold place. God bless her!


whacky said...

Here's the link

Nyx Martinez said...

Ssebo! We are getting what? Younger. eh.

Lispis said...

Eh, Nyabo, you are what? You are correct..!!!