Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Debate continues......

It's still on & it's still hot.....we've moved on to all kinds of topics....don't miss out on the chance to share your opinion on:

Islam taking over the world?

War & Christians fighting....

Nigeria's corruption problem & what should be done about it....

And much more....

Simply click on the 'comment' section of the post below & you'll get the full story....and then you can let us know what you think at the same time.

This debate ends Sunday, February please comment before then. See ya!


Anonymous said...

Hi brian,it would be nice if the family set up a forum/blog where we could bring christian debates to the table,like an open podium,trying to see the common ground.

Anonymous said...

i posted this one as a comment on the other post but i'll put it here too just in case it gets lost:

woah! i was just hit with one of the latest statements that anon said, saying that Muhammad was the first slave trader???? :O as in the first one to ever trade with slaves?? how come that Muhammad was born in the 6th century, and during the big empires before Jesus was born, had slaves? to name a few, Rome, Babylon, Egipt, Persia... all of them had slaves, so to say that Muhammad was the first slave trader... is a bit innacurate, now, about the Quoran, the problem we have here is the interpretation each one makes of it, almost every muslim cleric has it's own interpretation and adapt it to their way of thinking and purpose, but if i should remind you, the very first years of the Islam, when Muhammad and his followers were expelled from his clan and went to Abisinia (nowadays called Ethiopia) wich by that time was a christian kingdom, and they had him in their midst and lived in peace and happyness, no hate, and yes they did say that the God of the christians and the God of the muslims was the same God, even that of the jews! the problems with the jews started when they rejected Muhammad and didn't accept him as a prophet of God, but you know what? they even prayed in the direction of the temple in Jerusalem at the begining!! and later on changed it to the Meca.

and about that wife of only 9 years old, i must say that the sources from wich they get that information are very contradicting saying some times that she's 9 and others that she's 12-14 at the time she married, though if you go and make a research on the topic, you'll find that from other more trustworthy sources she was actually 19-20 when she married him, but anyway, my main point on this comment is to show how in the begining islam wasn't as you see it nowadays, but through the years they pervert and twist everything, the true studious of the quoran and those that trully follow it are not those that call us christians dogs and that make war with us, but rather those clerics that adapt religion to themselves, and their own gain, you could say the same is happening to those christian preachers in nigeria that you were talking about. after the years, the teachings of any religion get twisted and perverted by those that are supposed to teach them, and it not only happens in islam, u cannot eny that it doesn't happen in christian religion too... for god's sake.. they're even ordaining gay priests in the anglican church!

Unknown said...

Good idea, first anonymous there...

down side, though, could be what happened below...certain folks stubbornly clinging to one side & repeating themselves over & over...

An occassinal debate is fun, but I don't think n-e-1 has time to argue fultime, you know what I mean?

Adventure for a Lifetime, not "debate for a lifetime", ha!

But I'll put up the occasional discussion question & sometimes these things come up on by themselves as comments on any given post take on a "discussion of their own"....

Stay tuned.....

carpedia said...

What about global warming? I wonder if Christians, because of the belief Jesus is returning shortly, do not put high emphasis on protecting the earth and conserving resources.
So, how do you feel? Is it a "non-ssue" to you because of Christ's imminent return or do you see it as a stewardship issue?
Very curious about your views.

Anonymous said...

I don't know who the question was addressed to, but it's an interesting one, so I figured I'd give it a shot.
I, personally, don't feel that protecting the environment, conserving resources, etc. is a "non-issue". Just as the Bible says that we are "bought with a price, therefore glorify God in your bodies and in your spirits, which are God's", and that our bodies are not our own, but are the temple of God and to be used to glorify Him, I believe the same should go for the world He's given us to live in.
This world is not ours - He made it, and He put us here to care for it. I believe we should do that to the best of our abilities.
So regardless of when He's coming back, it's our responsibility to take care of the world. He expects us to be good stewards of all that He's given us, and I would include the world in that as well.

whacky said...

In this case, I agree with Anonymous.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

oh heh... that wasn't "anon" from the last debate, that was me - alvi - sorry, forgot to put a name in