Tuesday, April 12, 2011

closing temporarily...

when traipsing around Africa saving souls/bodies/spirits, experiencing cultures, seeing the world, performing, writing, giving, doing, etc. I felt a more intense kind of gratification in knowing that I was making a difference & then hopefully inspiring you all by telling you about it here on this blog...

Now, however, I live a slightly boring life here in suburbia, going to work & back, as I adjust to a new lifestyle & get set up to study (what I don't know, but certainly something that will help set me back in Africa making a difference & experiencing Adventure for a Lifetime)...

So for the timebeing, because I'm so boring, I thought I'd officially take leave,
as well as take time to write my book, before all my beautiful African memories leave me...

So with that I take leave...I certainly won't close the site, cuz for those new to it, there's many an adventure to read about, picture to enjoy & story to be inspired by...there's 5 yrs worth of blog up here, so feel free to peruse around & enjoy to the full...

Meanwhile, I'll try & find another more fitting name for a site that can host more boring tidbits from a less adventurous time that is mine (the present)...

Stay tuned...;)

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