Went over the following with one of my Bible class students just yesterday. He's now getting into the decision-making stages as to what he wants to do with his life & how to serve the Lord fully.
These quotes r from the DB 8 compilation "REVOLUTION!--FOR JESUS!":
1. JESUS CHRIST WAS A REVOLUTIONARY! He was not a reformist! He attacked the System of His day!--Not the Roman government, that was ordained of God, but He attacked tooth & tong in no uncertain terms the false religious system & its advocates & participants & leaders.--If you don't believe it, just read the Bible! (See Mat.23!)
2. LIKEWISE, WE TODAY ARE NOT MERE REFORMISTS trying to improve or patch up the old decrepit, false Systems of man! We are a Revolution!--For Jesus! And a real, red-hot, genuine Revolution is not merely for something, but against something also!
5. THE LORD TOLD HIS PROPHET JEREMIAH, "I HAVE SET THEE OVER THE NATIONS & over the kingdoms to root out & to pull down & to destroy & to throw down" that which is false, in order "to build & to plant" that which is true! (Jer.1:10) What did God mean when He told Jeremiah to root out & destroy? Did He mean physically?--Of course not! You cannot destroy the Lie by destroying what the Lie has created, because the Lie is the spirit of Antichrist--a spiritual force of evil that is invisible, but which has created the visible evil System.
6. GOD'S WORD SAYS, "THE WEAPONS OF OUR WARFARE ARE NOT CARNAL (PHYSICAL), BUT MIGHTY THROUGH GOD TO THE TEARING DOWN OF STRONGHOLDS! Casting down imaginations, & every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God!" (2Cor.10:4,5) We have to destroy the God-damned lies behind it all! But you can't do that with physical force, with physical violence!--You can only do that by the Word of His Truth, the "Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God!" (Eph.6:17)
etc., etc. an excellent compilation..i recommend it for those who haven't read it in a while..