Tuesday, November 04, 2008

London, Baby, Yeah!

(Post title said in an Austin Powers accent..re-read w/ that in mind)

This one posted from the nearest library, as Mom's new place doesn't have interet...yet!

That serving as the official notice that the request I solicited prayer help for the other day (2 posts back) came through...Hal! Mom got her new place (pics soon)..

Also, my new passport arrived like, 2 or 3 days after I posted the prayer request...cool..

Enjoy the following random pics over the last couple weeks (I wonder how many thousand times I've said that since the inception of this blog)

Somehow this computer doesn't load blogger fully, so I'm having a hard time working on this..captions will have to wait..if you can decipher what's what, tho..do comment & we'll c if u'r right...ha.

Sure enough, Anj got it right! C 1st comment in 'comments' box for captions...i'm adding a few more, but to be fair to her well-named captions, I'll put the next batch under here...(except I put up another pic in the beginning...stay tuned for Anj's caption for that one 2...heh..)
last 2 pics: At Kennington Park with Mom, Petra & Sarah, after above said happening, which Anj will caption for us...(small snickers ensue...)


whacky said...

Caption 1: You and the Iceland crew (minus Gabe) having coffee/hot chocolate at the airport.

Caption 2: Iceland crew at the airport

Caption 3: You and _____ at Portsmouth. (Don't know her name).

Caption 4: The park by your mum's house (?)

Caption 5: Lisa with Milo

Caption 6: Bogdan and Lisa doing what they do best :-P

Caption 7: You with Milo and his sister (I don't remember her name)

Caption 8: You, Bogdan and Lisa at the local pub.

How did I do?! :-)

Unknown said...

Wow...you did pretty good actually..

xcept that ____'s name is Michelle, & the Autumn shot thrown in is not the park by my Mom's place, but was actually taken in Portsmouth park..but yeah..minor details..you were pretty right on..well done..

whacky said...

hahah! so now you want me to add captions for all the others?!

Owebo, you are missed. Tell me as soon as you have a landline and I can practice my Pidgen. hehehe

whacky said...

hahah! so now you want me to add captions for all the others?!

Owebo, you are missed. Tell me as soon as you have a landline and I can practice my Pidgen. hehehe