Sunday, October 05, 2008


We hebben een hele leuke tijd gehad in het midden van de boederijen van (hoe heet die plaats alweer?..oh, Nijverdal..) Wij waren lekker gewoon op onszelf...of dat denk je dan wanneer je van de "Velzeboer Reunie" hoort, tot dat je nog en keer kijkt, dan zie je dat we eigenlijk en heel nieuw en groter team zijn met al de "aanhang" die er de laatse 6 of 7 jaren of zo bij zijn gekomen. Dat was natuurlijk geen nieuws voor idereen, maar voor mij was dit de eerste Reunie sinds een jaar of 10. Tuurlijk heb ik m'n nichten & neven door de jaren heen gezien met een bezoekje hier of daar met ma, en ik ben nog een keertje zelf bij Oma geweest in het jaar 2005 of zo..maar verder niks. Dus deze reunie was niet alleen heel speciaal, maar haalde ook veel herinneringen op bij mij.

Dus...geniet van de fotos & de korte uitleg erbij. :

This bonfire doubled as both "Cousin bonding" & "Operation-Cold-Escape".

Enjoying "volleyball tournament"..

Thrashing my sister in ping-pong, after thrashing both Matthijs & Nando...ha! (actually she did beat me on this match)

during "quiz night"...this was quite fun actually...Aram & Roy (seated at the high seats) compiled a bunch of questions that we'd all asked seperately on different forms...then they divided us in teams & we all had to try to answer the combined questions correctly... this pic also showcases how nicely my sis, Christina, (far right) did the party decor..

Helping Oma get to her multiple cakes as we celebrate her 90th B'day...

the "briefing" before the "shooting"'s just as well that I'd already gone paintballing before, as this guy's "Nederlandse uitleg was toch een beetje te snel voor mij" & I only understood about half of it..heh..Aram kept translating for me..

going back in for the final "sudden death" see comment box for the rest of that story..

we'll get the shap-shap official photos taken at the photoshoot sent to us soon...then I'll post again.

click on the following url for more pics taken by Matthijs of Ilona..


whacky said...

I looked at the pics in the web-album ... so cool to see all you guys.
Petra's kids are so grown up. In some of the photos, her daughter looks just like her (albeit with different hair).

Oh! and the paint ball game looked fun. Was it boys against girls? Lis gets a high-5 from me for following in my footsteps and doing that while on "vacation". hehe! :-P

Unknown said...

Paintball was awesome...

I was gonna do a seperate post, but I'll just say here.. we did capture the flag (2 variations, 3 games) & "Sudden Death"... My sister Lisa & I were on the red team & Christina & Petra were on the yellow team.

Well, the red team had their way with the yellow team & won 2 of the 3 capture the flag games. Then the sudden death ended up being me vs. Lisa as the final 2..ha. Did a little brother sister bonding over that one...